Welcome to Rod's Layout Builder Start Kit
Two Column Sections
This is a Heading
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding. Sesame snaps gummi bears cupcake sesame snaps sesame snaps croissant chupa chups marzipan. Soufflé chocolate icing candy canes chocolate cake sesame snaps. Sweet shortbread sesame snaps muffin tart donut bear claw dessert donut. Powder shortbread candy cotton candy dragée gummies carrot cake. Icing ice cream pie cake pastry cupcake. Topping candy canes apple pie cheesecake bonbon marzipan toffee fruitcake. Shortbread bear claw macaroon apple pie sesame snaps carrot cake.
two column layout block - body/image on both sides.
body on the left
text on the right
This is a Heading
This section is an Image Card with borders/no gutters.
The text in a block like this should be shorter than longer and use a CTA button to generate interest.
Learn More...
This is a Heading
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding. Sesame snaps gummi bears cupcake sesame snaps sesame snaps croissant chupa chups marzipan. Soufflé chocolate icing candy canes chocolate cake sesame snaps.
This is a Heading
Text to reference the image to the right
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding. Sesame snaps gummi bears cupcake sesame snaps sesame snaps croissant chupa chups marzipan. Soufflé chocolate icing candy canes chocolate cake sesame snaps. Sweet shortbread sesame snaps muffin tart donut bear claw dessert donut. Powder shortbread candy cotton candy dragée gummies carrot cake. Icing ice cream pie cake pastry cupcake. Topping candy canes apple pie cheesecake bonbon marzipan toffee fruitcake. Shortbread bear claw macaroon apple pie sesame snaps carrot cake.
Basic Block with Background color
This demo site showcases the features made available in the Drupal Helps Starter Site experience.
This is your site! You can experiment with any layout!
Do NOT show the title for this block type
This block uses the "rounded corners" style (see the bottom of the block)
Layouts like this are designed to be landing pages without any structured data.
The hover state CSS is under Layout Builder Styles - block-inline-blockcard
Card Blocks
Card Blocks can include a background image! -->
Primary Button
Secondary Button
Danger Button
Info Button
Blue Outline
Red Outline
Yellow Outline
Green Outline
This block displays the title, does not have a heading, and uses a background image.
A Different Style Feature
Set the style to use a "background" color of white and add padding
This is a Heading Block
Below is a 3 column layout with light blue background and 3 “Stat” Cards inserted
Feature Widgets
Files List
Heading Block
the blocks below are a 3 column section with a “video” block embedded in each one
This is available in the Library.
This is a 3-column responsive Grid view. The section uses a color background
Upcoming Events
Next Big Event
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis felis est, sed iaculis enim pulvinar nec. Aliquam turpis nibh, maximus eu neque ac, blandit eleifend dui. Ut tempus mauris et eros laoreet elementum eget ac erat. Phasellus sit amet nisl lobortis, volutpat nunc et, tincidunt nisl. Fusce sodales dolor ut nisi venenatis efficitur.
Test Event 2
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder. Chupa chups tart cake jujubes brownie. Chupa chups jelly beans pie pudding pastry halvah jelly. Dessert apple pie jujubes biscuit sweet. Jelly-o halvah pie jelly-o cake pudding.
Latest News
Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Powder bear claw candy canes candy canes chocolate lollipop chocolate. Pudding liquorice toffee candy candy fruitcake sweet pastry powder.
Sensors indicate human life forms 30 meters below the planet's surface. Stellar flares are increasing in magnitude and frequency. Set course for Rhomboid Dronegar 006, warp seven.